The LA FITNESS League is based at the Troy club on 710 East Big Beaver Road at Rochester Road, Troy, Mi. 48083 |
Not only was the league a rousing success for the players involved, but dues for joining provided for prizes and
helped raise $230 for the MHA ! Thanks to Anthony Girgenti for flipping the script and making it all happen.
FALL LEAGUE WRAPUP FROM COMMISSIONER TONY GIRGENTI - Thank you everyone for joining the party yesterday (Dec. 18th @ Total Sports) and for participating in the league. We had a great turnout of people at Total to watch the finals and enjoy some holiday pizza and beverages. The finals synopsis is below.
Also, I will not be doing a winter league as past trends shown a lot of people leave for spring break, have injuries or fly the coup to escape the cold weather. I will be sending a survey out pretty soon with some questions asking for your feedback on how I can help make the league better for you. I look forward to being your commissioner (if you’ll have me) again in 2020 fall season.
In the finals match it was Tony Girgenti and Joe Kloka versus Vincent Yam and Bill Cantwell. After the delays in starting the match, the 1st game had started with the score going back and forth. The team of Girgenti and Kloka were playing like they were all season with consistent defensive play but the offensive onslaught of Vince and Bill was too much. Vince’s impeccable flykill cutoff game was too much as they edged Tony and Joe to win the first match 21-13. The second game was similar to the first with Tony and Joe keeping steady with defensive play. Joe was playing great in the front court picking up a couple excellent low kills from Vince and Tony was helping killing the ball where they could, unfortunately it was at this time the Vince and Bill show found their serves and went on two huge runs to finish the game with a win of 21-10. Congratulations Vince and Bill!!! Kevin McGivern refereed the game with Harvey Braun assisting and they both did an exceptional job of keeping the game moving and keeping it clean (thank you both for your servitude)
Because of everyone’s schedule and locations I am stressing again the Monday and Wednesday courts at Big Beaver are advisory, you are open and encouraged to play whenever and wherever. So save the contact list off. Find a Sub, try not to miss your games or at least try to make them up before WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11th as any missed games will go against your win record and affect your potential playoff berth
There will be 5 teams playing 5 teams each week. 3 teams will play 3 teams on Mondays and 2 teams will be playing 2 teams Wednesdays (I am sorry but we only have the capabilities to reserve so many courts)
Nick Stachurski has graciously agreed to continue his duties of reserving 3 courts on Mondays at 5:30PM and 2 courts on Wednesdays at 5:30PM.
As previously discussed the league goes from 09/30/19 through 12/18/19. Week of 12/16/19 is playoffs
The league dues is $25 per person. If you want to donate more it is always accepted with open arms.
Schedule and contact list are linked below
Same formatting goes as last year. When you submit your scores submit them as below. Submit them to the email
Game1: XXXX & XXXX 21 / XXXX & XXXX 15
Game2: XXXX & XXXX 21 / XXXX & XXXX 13
Game3: XXXX & XXXX 21 / XXXX & XXXX 7
See you on the courts,
Anthony Girgenti