Section I Article II - Duties of OfficersThe officers of the Michigan Handball Association shall include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Director. Section II The officers of the Michigan Handball Association shall be elected during the Spring General Membership Meeting. A majority vote of those members present shall be sufficient for election. Section III The term of office for each elected officer shall be for two (2) years, beginning the September after the election.
Section I Article III - Committees and ChairmenThe President shall call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Association and to appoint regular and special committees. Section II The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his absence and perform such duties as may be assigned him by the President. Section III The Secretary shall record all minutes of all regular and special meetings. He shall send out all notices of meetings and keep on file a copy of all correspondence by the officers of the Michigan Handball Association. Section IV The Treasurer shall receive all money of the Association; keep a record of all assets and debits and disbursements. He shall report the financial condition of the Association at each scheduled business meeting. Section V The Tournament Chairman shall have overall responsibility for the direction of all MHA Tournaments.
Section I Article IV - Chairmen and Their DutiesThere shall be an Executive Committee, composed of the officers of the Association. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly to deal with problems as they arise. The meetings are open to the general membership. Section II The Executive Committee shall appoint a chairman. As needed, to the following Committees:
Section I Article V - Dues and FeesThe function of each individual Chairman shall be to recruit and direct a committee in his assigned program area.
Section I Article VI - VotingAnnual membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee.
Section I Article VII - Amending the By-LawsOnly active, paid-up members of the Association shall be permitted to vote or hold office. Section II Voting for the Officers of the Association shall be done by secret, individual ballot. Section III Voting on all other business of the Association may be done by a show of hands by the active members present at the meetings. Section IV A majority of those active members present at all meetings shall decide all issues of the association. Section V - Proxies The President of the Michigan Handball Association shall be entitled to vote a proxy which has been effective for use at the time of the meeting at which it is presented.
Section I A Two-Thirds majority of the members present at a general meeting is needed to amend the By-Laws. |