![]() Article I - Name
Article II - Purpose To promote growth of the sport of handball in the state of Michigan By:
Section I Article III - MembershipTo encourage and promote the establishment of chapters within the Michigan Handball Association. Section II To develop and encourage a personal code of conduct among members of the Michigan Handball Association. The members of the Association shall consist of:
Dues for active membership in the Michigan Handball Association shall be paid annually, the year to run from September to September.
Section I Article V - OrganizationThe amount of dues shall be determined by Executive Committee. Section II A participant who wishes to play in the scheduled Michigan Handball Association tournament must first pay his yearly membership dues.
Section I Article VI - MeetingsThe officers and Executive Board of the Michigan Handball Association shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Director. Each office to be for a period of two (2) years. President and Secretary will be elected in odd number years. The remaining officers will be elected in even number years. Section II The election of officers shall take place each year at the Spring General membership Meeting. Section III The President shall appoint a nominating committee of three (3) active members to present a slate of prospective officers. Nominations from the floor will be accepted also. Section IV The President shall fill any office vacated by resignation, etc., by appointing a qualified and interested person to serve out the term of office, subject to approval of the Executive Board. Section V In the absence of the President, the Vice-president shall preside at all scheduled meetings of the Michigan Handball Association.
Section I Article VII - QuorumThe officers of the Michigan Handball Association shall meet monthly to discuss and plan for the benefit of the Association members. These meetings are opened to the general membership. Section II The Executive Board of the Association shall conduct at least two (2) general membership meetings, one to be held prior to the outdoor season and one to be held prior to the indoor season. Ten percent (10%) of all active members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Association. Article VIII - Amendments
Section I
Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing by at least fifteen (15) active members of the Association and shall be presented to the members at one of the general membership meetings. Section II Amendments may be added to the Constitution by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members. |