The Total Cup is new tournament following a similar format of the Davis Cup Tennis Tournament.
You enter the tournament as an individual and you are assigned a partner and a division.
Each division is won by defeating the two man teams you play in a combination of singles and doubles. You need to win 3 out of 5 potential games to knock out the team you are facing and advance.
Play is a s follows:
2 teams are assigned a court and send one team member on the court to play singles vs. another player. They play one game to 25 using rally scoring (every rally is a point vs. only scoring on the serve)-win by 2. 3 time outs are allowed and coaching by your teammate is encouraged. With rally scoring, game times are around 15 to 20 minutes (about half of a normal singles game.)
The winner of the singles match earns one point. After the first singles match, the two players who did not play, play their singles match using the same format. This game is vs. one point.
Once the first round of singles have been completed, the teams play one game of doubles against each other. Rally scoring to 25 is used. This game is worth one point.
If one team has one all three games, the match is over. However, if the score is 2 to 1, singles matches are played using the same format except the players switch who they played. The first team to 3 points wins and advances.
It is a $10 entry fee - $5 for food and $5 for division prize money. Entry is due by Thursday November 6. Start times will be posted by 5 PM Friday.