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Palmer Park news June 2, 2020

02 Jun 2020 9:41 PM | Stewart Shevin (Administrator)

Maybe you’re cocooning or taking your chances in the wild outdoors. Hopefully restrictions on park use will be lifted soon in such a way that more peeps will find comfort on the courts. In the meantime, we are continuing with improvements at Palmer Park. 

- Your MHA funds at work…. We’ve contracted a painter to repair the walls that have had moister damage, then repaint the surface. First the south courts will be done, then the north. I will schedule so there will be as little downtime as possible. I will let folks know when painting starts.

- We should be taking delivery within the next two weeks for a barbecue grill. A Tony D. donation. It will get sunk into the ground at the southeast corner of the courts outside of the fenced area. My guess is that we will pour a 24” x 24”  pad underneath it. Anyone who is willing to help, or knows a handball player who is experienced in concrete please contact me.

- I had a thought of installing a gang box into the cement at the same time. ($260 including shipping) This would house charcoal, tools and such for the grill. It would have a lock to deter the squirrels. Check it out and let me know how you feel about this expense.

- The city is running power to the log cabin and the storage building next to the tennis courts. I have asked the GSD to run a conduit to the handball courts as well. Surprisingly, they did not laugh at me, but are actually considering doing it! This would be a 220 / 110 line that would terminate to a simple junction box with a receptacle for now. Enough power to run small equipment. Cross your fingers.

- The city is also planning on installing street lights in the park come November. I don’t know specifics.

- I encourage you to subscribe to the Palmer Park forum on the MHA website. You will automatically get notified of news and games at the courts. If you didn’t read my email and need help with that give a shout.

Ta, ta,


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